Home Latest News One Chart SCREAMING Small-Caps Over Large-Caps

One Chart SCREAMING Small-Caps Over Large-Caps


The chart below shows the relative performance of the S&P 600 Small-Cap Index versus the S&P 500 Large-Cap Index over the last 12 months through February 17, 2021. As the chart illustrates, the S&P 600 Small-Cap Index has outperformed the S&P 500 by a wide margin. The S&P 600 has gained over 40%, while the S&P 500 is currently up by just under 20%. The relative outperformance of small-caps is quite striking and this chart provides compelling evidence that small-cap stocks are outperforming large-cap stocks currently.

![Small-Cap Versus Large-Cap Chart](https://specials-images.forbesimg.com/imageserve/606039180/960×0.jpg?fit=scale)

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