Home Latest News Biden’s nibbles on young girl just his latest weird interaction with other people’s kids

Biden’s nibbles on young girl just his latest weird interaction with other people’s kids


It is true that former Vice President Joe Biden has a history of engaging in seemingly awkward or awkward interactions with other people’s children, including tickling and kissing them on the head. While some have found the actions harmless and have chalked it up to Biden’s warm personality, others have seen it as improper and have seized upon it to criticize the former vice president. In the most recent incident that is being discussed, Biden appeared to nip an 11-year-old girl’s head while taking a picture with her and her family.

It is important to note that while Biden’s actions have been deemed inappropriate by some, the incident appears to be blown out of proportion. Biden has met with and taken pictures with thousands of children over the years, so this specific instance does not appear to be a pattern of repeated behavior. Biden himself apologized for the interaction, saying that it was unintentional and that he would not repeat the same behavior in the future. At this point, neither he nor the young girl appear to be planning any further action and it is likely the situation will now be forgotten.

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