Home Latest News Texas nabs MS-13 gang member and registered sex offender at southern border

Texas nabs MS-13 gang member and registered sex offender at southern border


In March, a teenaged gang member and registered sex offender was apprehended at the U.S./Mexico border in El Paso, Texas. The 17-year-old from Guatemala was determined to be a member of the notorious MS-13 gang and was in violation of both criminal and immigration laws.

The teen presented himself at the border as an unaccompanied minor immigrant seeking asylum in the United States. During the processing, the teen’s criminal background was discovered. He was wanted on multiple charges in Guatemala, including assault on a police officer and violating a restraining order, vandalism and fire setting. In addition, he is a registered sex offender.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection joint task force members turned this teenaged gang member over to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security officials for prosecution and possible deportation.

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