Home Latest News Parental rights protesters battle backers of Calif school policy to hide gender identity from parents

Parental rights protesters battle backers of Calif school policy to hide gender identity from parents


The dispute over California’s policy to hide a student’s gender identity from their parents ignited a battle between parental rights activists and those who backed the policy.

The policy, which was approved by the California Board of Education in 2017, was designed to allow youth who identify as transgender or gender nonconforming to keep their chosen gender identity a secret from their parents, if they feel that their parents wouldn’t accept them.

The policy sparked backlash from parental rights activists, who think this undermines the parent-child relationship. They argue that parents should be informed about their children’s gender identity, and that it is their right to be informed.

On the other side, those who back the policy argue that it is intended to protect transgender and gender nonconforming kids. They claim that when parents learn that their child is a different gender identity than they thought, it can lead to emotional and physical abuse.

The battle between the two sides has led to heated debates online and in classrooms, and has caused a divide in the state. Both sides are passionate about their views, and there is no clear resolution in sight.

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