Home Editor's Pick The ‘Norway of Arabia’ is home to the world’s only desert fjords

The ‘Norway of Arabia’ is home to the world’s only desert fjords


, an awe-inspiring spectacle of dramatic rock formations rising up from deep sapphire blue waters. The city of Muscat lies at the tip of the Musandam Peninsula, which forms the northernmost corner of Oman, within the fjords of the Khâr Musandam. With its striking mountainous coastline, white-sand beaches and crystal-clear waters, the beauty of this region has earned it the moniker of ‘the Norway of Arabia’.

The waters around the peninsula are packed with marine life, including dolphins, whales, cuttlefish, crabs and various species of fish making it a paradise for divers. Exploring the fjords’ rocky terrain by kayak or dhow boat is a thrilling experience. For those seeking a more adrenalin-filled excursion, sea-cliff diving is popular.

The region is a haven for wildlife and bird-watchers alike. Steep mountain cliffs provide nests for thousands of species of seabirds, while further inland, mountains and wadis shelter big wild cats and other ancient creatures. It is also home to important Omani archaeological sites, such as the lift structure at Khor Kalba, holding evidence of human habitation in the region since the Iron Age.

The area is perfect for those after some peace and quiet – for there are no tourist resorts. Those who do make it out to this beautifully serene corner of Oman will be rewarded with an unforgettable experience.

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