Home Latest News Burisma’s Devon Archer met with then-Secretary of State Kerry just weeks before Shokin was fired

Burisma’s Devon Archer met with then-Secretary of State Kerry just weeks before Shokin was fired


Devon Archer, who was a board member of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company linked to Hunter Biden, met with former Secretary of State John Kerry in December 2015, shortly before Ukraine officially fired its former prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin.

The meeting was first reported in 2019 by the New York Times, who reported that Archer and Kerry discussed the reform of Ukraine’s energy sector as well as corruption in the country. Archer reportedly introduced Kerry to other Burisma board members, including Mykola Zlochevsky, the founder of the company.

The timing of the meeting has led to speculation that Kerry may have been involved in the firing of Shokin, who was considered by many to be corrupt and had been investigating Burisma at the time of his firing. However, Kerry has denied any involvement in the matter.

In a 2019 statement, a State Department spokeswoman said Kerry was not involved in any decisions related to Shokin’s dismissal and was not aware of any investigations involving Burisma.

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