Home Forex Iran rounds up activists and relatives of killed protesters ahead of Mahsa Amini anniversary

Iran rounds up activists and relatives of killed protesters ahead of Mahsa Amini anniversary


Iranian authorities have reportedly arrested dozens of activists and relatives of killed protesters in the run up to the anniversary of Mahsa Amini’s death.

Amini, a 22-year-old woman, was shot and killed by Iranian security forces during anti-government protests in Iran in December 2019.

According to local reports, numerous people were detained in the provinces of Isfahan and Lorestan in the days leading up to the anniversary on 2 December, including one of Amini’s cousins.

The activists and relatives of killed protesters were allegedly targeted in a widespread crackdown by the authorities in an apparent attempt to prevent possible nationwide protests commemorating Amini’s death.

The Iranian authorities have officially denied any involvement in the arrest of activists and relatives, although family members have reportedly posted on social media about their loved ones being arrested.

The government has so far made no comment on the allegations of crackdowns leading up to the anniversary.

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