Home Latest News Trump campaign raises $7.1 million in fundraising since mugshot was taken Thursday, Fox News confirms

Trump campaign raises $7.1 million in fundraising since mugshot was taken Thursday, Fox News confirms


. https://t.co/fCqyXShrmz #FoxNews — Christopher Miller (@ChristopherJM) July 23, 2018

The Trump campaign has reportedly raised over $7.1 million in fundraising since President Donald Trump’s mugshot was taken earlier this week. According to Fox News, the campaign has taken in the money over the past four days, as the President has faced intense criticism in the wake of his arrest. The news outlet, citing a source close to the campaign, added that the money came from around 85,000 donors. The money was raised for Trump’s 2020 reelection bid, as well as for the Republican National Committee. The unprecedented amount of money raised suggests that Trump’s core supporters remain loyal to him despite the ongoing controversy.

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