Home Editor's Pick Instagram is making you a worse tourist. Here’s how to travel respectfully

Instagram is making you a worse tourist. Here’s how to travel respectfully



1. Do your research: Do some research on the area you are visiting so you know the location’s customs and culture. Respect people’s traditions, ethic values, and religious beliefs.

2. Respect where you are: Respect public spaces and show understanding towards people from different backgrounds. Avoid taking photos in places where it’s not allowed and be aware that some places prefer to remain unphotographed.

3. Respect wildlife: Don’t ever feed, touch, or get too close to wildlife. For your safety, follow the instructions given by local wildlife experts and tourist boards.

4. Respect the environment: Be mindful of the environment and help cut down on plastic waste. Carry a reusable water bottle and coffee mug for refilling and avoid buying single-use plastic items.

5. Respect locals: Respect local businesses, their prices, and their livelihoods. Support local economies by buying souvenirs and local products. Avoid giving money to beggars or any other vulnerable people.

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