Home Forex ‘It brought back memories of Syria.’ For refugees in Sudan, war is a reminder of the terror they left behind

‘It brought back memories of Syria.’ For refugees in Sudan, war is a reminder of the terror they left behind


For Syrian refugees in Sudan, war is a stark reminder of the terror they fled back home. With the renewed conflict in Idlib, many feel a familiar sense of fear and unease, recalling the trauma of their own experiences. Although they may no longer be living in a conflict zone, the civil war in Syria brings back painful memories and can often evoke feelings of helplessness and grief. Many of these refugees have endured unimaginable suffering, and are now left struggling with anxiety and depression, as they are plagued with vivid reminders of what they have been through.

The conflict has also caused some refugees to experience a financial crisis due to food shortages and rising prices within Sudan. Increased insecurity in Idlib has limited their opportunity to move on to other countries, trapping them in a cycle of insecurity and fear. Additionally, the refugee population is rapidly growing, as more Syrians continue to flee to Sudan anticipating a future of ongoing violence in Syria.

The war in Syria has displaced millions of people who are now living in a state of constant uncertainty. For those that have sought safety in Sudan, the current situation is a troubling reminder of the violence they faced back home. The memories of past trauma haunt them, and they are fearful of the future. It is essential that these refugees receive the resources and support they require in order to effectively process their trauma and experience stability and security in their new lives in Sudan.

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