Home Economy Joe Biden bucks tradition, bets big on early swing-state advertising

Joe Biden bucks tradition, bets big on early swing-state advertising


Former Vice President Joe Biden is bucking campaign tradition by betting big on early advertising in key swing states. In what has been dubbed a “seasonal-ski” strategy, Biden is airing TV ads earlier than usual in 6 states: Michigan, Florida, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, and North Carolina. The goal is to build up his brand name in these key areas for a prolonged period of time. According to a recent report, the Biden campaign has already invested $17 million in TV ads since Labor Day.

This approach is a departure from traditional presidential campaigns, which usually start airing commercials in swing states at the beginning of October, just weeks before the election. Biden’s early push signals his confidence that he has the resources to broaden his reach long before his opponents. While the strategy may seem risky, it could pay off in the form of higher name-recognition in areas where he may have been less established. If Biden can solidify his lead in these states, he could set himself up for a landslide victory in November.

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