Home Editor's Pick War-traumatized Ukrainian bear to be adopted by Scottish zoo

War-traumatized Ukrainian bear to be adopted by Scottish zoo


A war-traumatized female bear from Ukraine is set to be adopted by a Scottish zoo. The bear, named Sofia, was found in a wooden crate near the Ukrainian war zone in 2014. She had been used for entertainment by military forces in the area.

Sofia had been living in a sanctuary in Ukraine since her rescue, but will now be transported to the Five Sisters Zoo in West Lothian, Scotland. The sanctuary looked after her for a number of years, but felt that she had become too used to humans and may never be able to survive in the wild.

The Team at Five Sisters Zoo plan to rehabilitate Sofia, and give her a home alongside their other Bears; Sapphire, Amber and Topaz. The team at the sanctuary feel that the Scottish environment is much more suited to Sofia, and are confident she will be happy in the new environment.

Sofia’s transport and care will be funded by donations, and she is expected to arrive at the Zoo within the next few weeks. Staff at the Zoo are looking forward to welcoming Sofia and providing her with the care she needs.

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