Home Economy A who’s who — and who says what — of the IRS-Hunter Biden dispute

A who’s who — and who says what — of the IRS-Hunter Biden dispute


The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Hunter Biden are embroiled in a dispute over his taxes. Here is a look at the key players in the controversy, their positions, and what they have said about it.

IRS: The IRS is the federal agency responsible for collecting taxes and ensuring that individuals and businesses comply with tax laws. The agency has been investigating Hunter Biden since at least 2018 for potentially failing to pay taxes on his foreign income. In late October 2020, the IRS served Biden with a tax bill of more than $450,000 in unpaid taxes and possible criminal penalties.

Hunter Biden: President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden is at the center of the ongoing IRS controversy. He has denied any wrongdoing and claims he has done nothing wrong. He has stated that any taxes due would be paid in full.

Joseph R. Biden Jr.: President Joe Biden has not spoken publicly about the IRS’s claims against his son Hunter. He has, however, defended his son’s character and has expressed confidence that the matter will be resolved.

Donald J. Trump: Former President Donald Trump has used the controversy to attack the Bidens and assert that Hunter Biden is a “criminal.” He has called for an investigation into the Bidens and their finances, but the IRS has said it is not launching a criminal investigation into the situation.

U.S. Attorney General William Barr: Barr has indicated that the Department of Justice has been looking into potential financial fraud by Hunter Biden. He has also said that the Justice Department will review any relevant information from the IRS if a criminal investigation is opened.

Rudy Giuliani: President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani has been an outspoken critic of Hunter Biden and has claimed that the Biden family is involved in corruption and money laundering. Giuliani has called for an investigation into the Bidens and their finances. He has also sought to discredit the IRS investigation.

John Durham: United States Attorney John Durham is leading the Justice Department’s investigation into the Bidens and their finances. He has indicated that the department is looking into “potential wrongdoing” but has not yet opened a criminal investigation into the situation.

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