Home Editor's Pick Flight attendants are burned out and quitting. Here’s why

Flight attendants are burned out and quitting. Here’s why


1. Increasing workload: As airlines implement smaller crews, flight attendants are being forced to take on more responsibility, with less support, leading to burnout.

2. Unpredictable schedules: Flight attendants often have unpredictable or on-call schedules, leading to fatigue and stress.

3. Low wages: As wages remain stagnant for flight attendants, many are choosing to leave for better-paying jobs or changing careers altogether.

4. Long shifts/overnight work: Flight attendants frequently work extremely long shifts that can stretch up to 15 hours, and the time change and disruption from overnight work can be exhausting.

5. Travel fatigue: Frequent travel can also be grueling, leaving flight attendants feeling drained of energy.

6. Lack of benefits/job security: Many airlines are cutting back on benefits, leaving flight attendants feeling uncertain about their job security.

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