Home Economy Nikki Haley is betting on an electability message to win in 2024

Nikki Haley is betting on an electability message to win in 2024


Nikki Haley has remained relatively quiet about her future plans, but has spoken to her supporters about her belief that she would be a “very electable” candidate for the 2024 presidential election. Haley has made no clear commitment to running in the next presidential race, but she has discussed the potential positives of her many years of statesmanship, executive experience and public service. She has also noted her criticisms of the Biden administration, specifically on immigration policy and the economy. Additionally, Haley has highlighted her bolstered international leadership credentials, having served as ambassador to the United Nations during the Trump administration. If she does decide to run, Haley’s electability message could make her a prominent figure in the 2020 Republican primary season.

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