Home Latest News No clear spending deal as Congress inches closer to government shutdown

No clear spending deal as Congress inches closer to government shutdown


– Reuters

With Congress inching closer to another partial government shutdown, lawmakers have yet to reach a spending deal as the deadline nears.

Republicans and Democrats remain deeply divided on several contentious matters, namely the President’s proposed border wall. Democrats oppose the President’s demand for funding for the wall, while Republicans want funding for border security.

The two sides have also been debating a multitude of other issues, such as disaster aid for hurricane-ravaged areas, funding for ObamaCare subsidies, and a number of environmental policies.

Without a clear compromise, the federal government is at risk of partially shutting down on December 7th if an agreement can not be reached.

A partial shutdown could affect hundreds of thousands of federal employees—forcing them to take unpaid leave or work with limited pay. Government funded services such as national parks, passport processing, and tax refunds could also be delayed or disrupted.

With time running out, there is still no clear solution in sight.

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