Home Forex Why the United Auto Workers want big raises

Why the United Auto Workers want big raises


The United Auto Workers (UAW) wants higher wages for its members for a number of reasons. First, wages for auto industry workers have not kept up with the rising costs of living. Since 2015, inflation has outpaced hourly wages in the automobile industry.

Second, the UAW believes that the high levels of profitability experienced by American automakers in recent years have not been shared fairly with their workers. The UAW asserts that these increases in profitability have not trickled down to the rank and file workers, and thus, worker wages should be adjusted to reflect increases in profitability.

Third, the union wants to ensure that workers are able to secure a livable wage for their efforts. With the increasing automation of the automobile industry, there is a risk that an ever-increasing number of workers may see little to no real wage gains over time. It is for this reason that the UAW is fighting for sizable wage increases for its members, in order to ensure that workers are able to make ends meet.

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