Home Forex Mahsa Amini’s father detained by Iranian authorities on anniversary of daughter’s death

Mahsa Amini’s father detained by Iranian authorities on anniversary of daughter’s death


Mahsa Amini’s father, Iman Ataollahi, was reportedly arrested by Iranian security forces on the anniversary of his daughter’s tragic death. Amini, a student activist, died in a road accident in June 2018 while she was participating in a protest related to her university’s policy.

Ataollahi’s arrest is believed to be related to his ongoing efforts to seek justice for his late daughter. According to reports, Ataollahi was on his way to visit his daughter’s grave when he was detained by authorities. He has since been transferred to an unknown location.

The incident has increased concerns for the safety of activists in Iran, particularly as the authorities have continued to impose oppressive restrictions and commit serious human rights violations in the country. In a statement released by the Center for Human Rights in Iran, a London-based organization, Ataollahi’s arrest is an example of the regime’s relentless assaults against families of victims of state-related violence.

Ataollahi’s arrest has been strongly condemned by international human rights organizations, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. They have called on Iranian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release him and all other political prisoners. Ataollahi’s family and friends, as well as other human rights organizations, have also launched a global campaign demanding his freedom.

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