Home Editor's Pick Archeologists discover 2,000-year-old child’s shoe with laces intact

Archeologists discover 2,000-year-old child’s shoe with laces intact


Archaeologists in the UK have recently discovered a 2,000-year-old child’s shoe complete with laces still intact. The shoe was discovered at the Must Farm archaeological site near Peterborough, which dates back about 1,000-2,000 years ago and is renowned for its well-preserved discoveries.

The shoe is made of pigskin, and is shaped as seen in other toddler-sized prehistoric shoes. Its laces survived possibly due to the shallow clay of the Fens, which help to preserve organic material.

The Scientists believe it was likely used by a toddler around two to three years old. This is the latest in a series of well-preserved findings from the archaeological site such as baskets, spears and cages.

Overall, archaeologists are extremely excited by this latest discovery. This is because it gives us an even clearer insight into the life of people living in the Iron Age. The laces also show the craftsmanship of the people, indicating that a wide range of everyday activity was taking place. The shoe will be carefully preserved for the future so people can continue to learn about life in the Iron Age and how it still influences our lives today.

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