Home Editor's Pick 40,000 march in Spain against plans to grant amnesty to Catalan separatists

40,000 march in Spain against plans to grant amnesty to Catalan separatists


On Sunday, October 4th, thousands of people marched in Madrid to protest the Spanish government’s plans to grant amnesty to members of the separatist movement in Catalonia. The protest was organized by Vox, a right-wing political party, and was attended by an estimated 40,000 people. Many of the marchers were carrying Spanish flags and chanting slogans such as “No amnesty!”, “Out with traitors!”, and “Long live Spain!”

The march was the latest in a series of large-scale demonstrations against the government’s plan to grant amnesty to members of the separatist government in Catalonia. The plan has generated controversy in Spain, as many view the Catalan independence movement as a threat to the country’s unity.

The government has argued that the amnesty is necessary in order to prevent further civil unrest in the region and to promote reconciliation between Catalonia and the Spanish government. However, opponents of the plan maintain that it is a way for the government to avoid punishing those responsible for the region’s highly controversial secession attempt in 2017.

The protest in Madrid was seen as a way for the Spanish public to voice their opinion against the government’s proposed plan. It remains to be seen whether the government will take the public’s reaction into account when deciding on the plan.

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