Home Latest News Hungarian foreign minister slams ‘lecturing’ Biden admin, hopes for return to Trump-era

Hungarian foreign minister slams ‘lecturing’ Biden admin, hopes for return to Trump-era



Hungary’s foreign minister, Peter Szijjártó, has criticized the Biden administration for what he described as a “lecturing” attitude towards his country, stating that he hopes for a return to the “open and honest dialogue” of the Trump era.

In an exclusive interview with CNN Friday, Szijjártó dismissed claims from the White House and State Department that the Hungarian people were not being given enough of a say in the current government, saying that there was “no real evidence” for the criticism.

The minister also criticized the US government for its handling of the controversial CEU university in Budapest, and the American financial scrutiny of controversial Hungarian NGOs, claiming that the Biden administration is treating Hungary “like a banana republic.”

Szijjártó also expressed hope that Hungary could improve ties with the US, wishing for a return to the “open and honest dialogue” that the two sides shared under the Trump administration. The foreign minister added that he hopes President Joe Biden will be more “respectful” of Hungary.

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