Home Forex Lone survivor of suspected death cap mushroom poisoning released from Australian hospital

Lone survivor of suspected death cap mushroom poisoning released from Australian hospital


A 22-year-old man from Canberra, Australia, who is believed to be the only survivor of eating a poisonous death cap mushroom has been released from hospital. The man is said to have inadvertently eaten the mushroom on January 18, while foraging in the Canberra region.

Doctors at Canberra Hospital said that the man had been extremely lucky to have survived the ordeal, as the death cap mushroom is one of the most poisonous mushrooms in the world. He was fortunate enough to be given the necessary treatments in time, and was thereby able to make a full recovery.

The man has asked to remain anonymous, as he says he is embarrassed about what happened. In a statement released by his hospital, the man said, “I was incredibly lucky to be given the chance to make a full recovery. I just want people to know the potential danger in eating the wrong mushroom, and to take appropriate measures when foraging for wild mushrooms.”

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