Home Latest News McCarthy floats meeting with Biden on government shutdown, border

McCarthy floats meeting with Biden on government shutdown, border



McCarthy proposed a meeting on Wednesday between himself, Vice President Joe Biden, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to discuss the government shutdown and border security. He made the statement in an interview with Fox News, where he said he wanted to bridge the divide between Democrats and Republicans on the issues.

This could be an important step to resolving the current deadlock in Washington, as Biden and McConnell have both been vocal in calling for a compromise and open dialogue on such issues. It’s also significant that McCarthy is calling for a meeting between two of the major players on either side of the political aisle.

However, it’s unclear if the meeting will actually take place, as President Donald Trump has not yet responded to McCarthy’s suggestion. It’s also not clear what a potential outcome of such a meeting would be, although it’s possible that a deal could be struck on border security and the government shutdown. If a meeting does take place, it could be a major step toward forging a bipartisan solution to some of the major issues facing the government today.

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