Home Economy Senate moves forward on short-term deal to avert government shutdown

Senate moves forward on short-term deal to avert government shutdown


The U.S. Senate has moved forward in negotiations to agree on a short-term funding deal to avoid a government shutdown. The Senate is currently debating and searching for an agreement that would fund the government through the end of Fiscal Year 2020, which ends September 30th.

While an agreement has yet to be reached, the Senate is continuing discussions in order to prevent a shutdown. Any potential deal would include some degree of border security funding, while excluding President Donald Trump’s requested $5 billion for a wall along the US-Mexico border.

The Senate has until midnight on Friday to reach a funding agreement, in order to prevent a government shutdown. If an agreement is not reached, the government would partially shut down on Saturday morning. Many important government programs and services, including those in public education and health, as well as other security operations, will cease operations. This is the third time in a year that the government has gone to the brink of a shutdown.

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