Home Editor's Pick ‘The school is like a light for me:’ The secret classrooms giving Afghan girls a chance to learn despite Taliban rules

‘The school is like a light for me:’ The secret classrooms giving Afghan girls a chance to learn despite Taliban rules


In parts of rural Afghanistan, girls rarely get the chance to go to school. Instead, they are often forced to stay home and take care of the family while their brothers are sent to school. Even in places where there are no official schools for girls, brave women have opened up their own “secret” classrooms, where girls can come and learn without fear of being found out by the Taliban and punished for going against their oppressive rules.

These clandestine classes are often held in the teachers’ homes or in spare rooms in other buildings. They are held after school hours and on holidays so as not to attract too much attention. Most of the time, students are not allowed to tell anyone about the school to prevent the Taliban from finding out and shutting it down.

These secret classrooms offer not only education, but also hope and a safe haven for girls in the country. They are a special kind of light for the community, illuminating a path to a better future for all the girls. Without these secret schools, many girls would have no chance at getting an education. They represent a beacon of light in the dark for these girls, and are a crucial part of working towards a brighter and more equitable future.

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