Home Forex Putin touts solidarity with China in Xi’s pitch for new world order as crisis grips Middle East

Putin touts solidarity with China in Xi’s pitch for new world order as crisis grips Middle East


In a speech at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Kyrgyzstan, Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized the need for closer ties between Moscow and Beijing as well as solidarity between the two nations in order to create a new, more-stable world order. Putin proposed joint efforts to “restore stronger international law” and “respect sovereignty” in the wake of the ongoing crisis in the Middle East, which he described as “an alarming state of affairs.”

At the same time, Putin offered his support for China’s Belt and Road Initiative, saying it would help create new economic and trade opportunities for the two countries. Putin hailed China’s reforms and proposed collaboration between the two nations on a range of projects, including the Eurasian Economic Union, which he said would benefit Russia, China, and all other participant countries.

In his speech, Putin also reaffirmed his belief that collective security was the best way to tackle threats to global stability, saying that it was “absolutely necessary” to synchronize efforts in the fight against terror and extremism. Furthermore, he proposed closer collaboration between the two countries as well as joint efforts to resolve regional conflicts such as those in Syria and Ukraine.

Ultimately, Putin’s speech to the summit demonstrated his firm commitment to increasingly close cooperation between Moscow and Beijing, with the ultimate goal of creating a new world order, founded on cooperation and stability.

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