Home Latest News House speaker ‘chaos’ could benefit Dems as race stretches into new week

House speaker ‘chaos’ could benefit Dems as race stretches into new week


The “chaos” in the House of Representatives that is expected to ensue as the race for Speaker of the House stretches into a new week could benefit Democratic candidates. With current Speaker Paul Ryan announcing his retirement, both Republican and Democratic candidates could see a surge in support as they try to win the majority of votes in the House.

For Democratic candidates, the chaos in the House could lead to the favorability of more progressive candidates who could appeal to a broader base of voters. In some districts, progressive candidates could gain the support of traditionally conservative voters as the competition for the Speaker of the House becomes more intense. In addition, a prolonged battle to choose the speaker could lead to more media coverage, introducing more candidates to more voters.

For Republicans, the chaos could lead to a more divided party, with candidates from different wings of the party fighting for the speakership. This could lead to a scenario where it is more difficult for a single candidate to win an outright majority of the votes, resulting in a more drawn out process that could benefit more moderate candidates over hardliners.

In either case, the chaos in the House could wind up working in Democrats’ favor if it leads to a divided GOP, providing an opening for more progressive candidates to emerge.

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