Home Economy ‘You just gaslit her’: How Dean Phillips’s first town hall went off the rails in N.H.

‘You just gaslit her’: How Dean Phillips’s first town hall went off the rails in N.H.


At his first town hall in New Hampshire, U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips was faced with an angry crowd that repeatedly accused him of gaslighting a woman who asked him about his stance on the Second Amendment. The woman, who identified herself as an independent voter, asked Phillips if he supports banning assault weapons. Phillips said he supports “common-sense reform that protects civil liberties,” prompting loud and lengthy boos from the crowd. At one point, one man yelled, “You just gaslit her!” Phillips responded by saying, “I respect everyone’s opinion in this room, particularly yours.” In response to the intense criticism, Phillips tried to explain his position in more detail, but the jeers only seemed to get louder. The woman at the center of the incident later told reporters that she felt Phillips had not answered her question directly. The incident highlights the high level of tension surrounding gun regulations in the U.S. and is a reminder of the deep-seated partisan divide on the issue.

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