Home Latest News House GOP campaign arm slams Democrats in new AI-generated ad turning national parks into migrant tent cities

House GOP campaign arm slams Democrats in new AI-generated ad turning national parks into migrant tent cities


The House Republican campaign arm, the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), has released an AI-generated political ad attacking Democrats on the issue of turning America’s national parks into tent cities for migrant families.

The ad opens with the image of a white tent, a stark contrast to the natural beauty of a national park. Viewers are then taken to a campsite set in a national park, followed by a living room with a family gathered around a laptop viewing images of national parks filled with tent cities. “Where will illegal immigrants live?” a narrator asks.

The ad then accuses Democrats of pushing policies that would result in the transformation of “nature preserves and national parks into sanctuary cities for those here illegally.” The narrator continues, “Democrats abandoned our security and are putting their own interests ahead of America’s.”

The ad ends with the narrator urging viewers to “Stand with the NRCC and demand America first, secure our borders, and stop the Democrats.”

The ad is aimed at highlighting what the NRCC views as the extreme nature of the Democratic immigration policies. It also serves as a reminder of the need to secure borders and to put the needs of Americans first.

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