Home Editor's Pick Israel military says 2 civilians killed for every Hamas militant is a ‘tremendously positive’ ratio given combat challenges

Israel military says 2 civilians killed for every Hamas militant is a ‘tremendously positive’ ratio given combat challenges


The Israeli military’s statement that two civilians were killed for every Hamas militant in the recent conflict in Gaza is a claim that, while technically correct, is morally questionable and has been widely criticized. The ratio fails to take into account the overwhelming disparity in the resources available to both sides. Israel has access to the most advanced military technology in the world, while Hamas relies principally on primitive rockets with limited accuracy. Furthermore, the majority of the civilian casualties were civilians living in Gaza, forced to either flee their homes or stay put, whereas Hamas militants would be aware of the danger they were in and better equipped to respond to it. The assertion of a “positive” ratio fails to reckon with the tragic reality of civilian casualties in war.

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