Home Latest News How to make your next vacation better for the environment

How to make your next vacation better for the environment


1. Choose eco-friendly accommodations – Look for hotels, rental homes, and resorts that are committed to sustainable practices and minimising their environmental footprint, such as using renewable energy sources, eco-friendly cleaning products, and efficient water systems.

2. Choose an eco-friendly mode of transport – Rather than flying, consider travelling by train or taking longer bus trips. If you do choose to fly, offset your carbon emissions and select flight options with the most efficient carbon footprints, such as those with multiple stops.

3. Eat locally – Eat at restaurants that source their ingredients from local farms and choose dishes made from seasonal, organic produce when possible. If you choose to stay in a rental home or hotel, take advantage of shops and markets in the area that sell local produce, so you can cook in your accommodation.

4. Offset your carbon emissions – Do your research and calculate your carbon footprint for your travel methods and accommodation. You can then choose to offset your emissions by investing in sustainable energy projects or carbon capture systems.

5. Respect the environment – When travelling, always think about your impact on the environment. Consider minimising littering, reducing water and energy use, and avoiding activities that could disturb the natural environment, such as fishing or kayaking in fragile ecosystems.

6. Support local conservation efforts – Research conservation initiatives and local volunteering programs where you will be travelling and consider donating or actively getting involved.

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