Home Editor's Pick Hilary moves through western US with historic amount of rainfall

Hilary moves through western US with historic amount of rainfall


The historic amount of rainfall across much of the western United States has been causing much disruption, and Hilary is no exception. Hilary has been travelling across the region, which has been hit hard by the persistent rains and thunderstorms. The majority of western states including Washington, Montana, Colorado, and Wyoming have seen mostly destructive flooding caused by the unrelenting rains. Hilary has had to cancel some of her plans or change her route as flooding has closed some of the main roads. She is also making sure to check with local authorities and news outlets for daily updates on which areas have been declared unsafe due to high water levels. Along the secure routes, Hilary is taking advantage of the opportunity to learn more about the impacted areas as she travels. She hopes her trip will help raise awareness of the desperate situation in her path, as she continues on her journeys.

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