Home Forex Libya dismisses foreign minister after meeting with Israeli counterpart causes outcry

Libya dismisses foreign minister after meeting with Israeli counterpart causes outcry


On the 18th of May 2021, the Government of Libya dismissed its Foreign Minister Abdelhadi Lavish after he attended a meeting with his Israeli counterpart Gabi Ashkenazi in Jordan.

The meeting was seen as a major breach of foreign policy in Libya after decades of hostility towards the State of Israel.

Libya’s Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dabaiba condemned the meeting, stating that it contravened the nation’s strict stance and declared that any normalization with Israel was “out of the question”.

Lavish was immediately recalled from Jordan and subsequently dismissed from his post. His replacement, Najla Mangoush, has vowed to maintain the country’s hardline stance against Israel.

The dismissal has caused an outcry in the country, with many showing their solidarity with Lavish for attempting to bridge the gap with its regional enemy.

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