Home Editor's Pick ‘Catastrophic flooding’ damages hundreds of homes as a city engulfed in water is now at risk of dam failure

‘Catastrophic flooding’ damages hundreds of homes as a city engulfed in water is now at risk of dam failure


The city of Houston, Texas is in danger of catastrophic flooding as heavy rains have caused the Addicks and Barker reservoirs to reach their full capacity and risk breaching the dams. Heavy rains have caused hundreds of homes near the reservoirs to be flooded, and officials fear that should the dams give way, entire neighborhoods could be inundated with more than 20 feet of water. The US Army Corps of Engineers has been working around the clock to bolster the dams and reduce the risk of a breach, but they are still warning of a potential catastrophic flooding event should the reservoirs overflow significantly. All nearby residents have been advised to evacuate to higher ground to ensure their safety.

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