Home Forex Israeli official says government cannot confirm babies were beheaded in Hamas attack

Israeli official says government cannot confirm babies were beheaded in Hamas attack


The government of Israel has not confirmed that babies were beheaded in a Hamas attack. There have been reports of civilians being killed, including children, in the conflict between Israel and Hamas recently, but no definitive information has yet been confirmed about any babies having been beheaded.

The reports of babies being beheaded have not been substantiated or independently verified, and any such claims would be investigated and reported on by the Israeli government, if it were to be true. However, so far no official confirmation has been made by either the Israeli government or Hamas, and the reports remain unverified.

The reports have generated much controversy and outcry from many around the world, but at this time, no confirmation has been made either way. The reports have not been corroborated by any evidence or other sources.

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