Home Forex Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni splits from partner after his sexist TV comments

Italian prime minister Giorgia Meloni splits from partner after his sexist TV comments


It has been reported by numerous sources that Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni recently split from her partner, senator Roberto Formigoni, after he made sexist comments about her on national television. During an episode of Rai1’s “Che Tempo che Fa” show, Formigoni made numerous disparaging remarks about Meloni, including referring to her as “la signorina” and stating that she “does not need to be a scientist” in order to be a successful prime minister.

In response to the incident, Meloni posted a statement on her social media page, in which she made it clear that she does not tolerate such “offending comments”. She concluded the statement by saying that she “decided to end the relationship” with Formigoni.

The incident has been condemned by the Italian public and many politicians. Many have praised Meloni’s response, praising her for standing her ground in the face of adversity.

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