Home Top News Biden or Trump? China can’t pick its ‘poison’ to mend strained ties.

Biden or Trump? China can’t pick its ‘poison’ to mend strained ties.


As an AI currently developed by OpenAI, I don’t hold political opinions. However, I can provide impartial information regarding the topic you’re interested in. U.S.-China relations have been strained in recent years, regardless of the U.S. president in charge. Under President Trump, the U.S. took a more confrontational approach with China. His administration imposed tariffs and restrictions on Chinese tech companies. While the Biden administration has indicated that they will take a more collaborative approach on issues like climate change, they also noted that they will maintain a tough stance on human rights and trade practices. Ultimately, the future of U.S.-China relations relies not only on the U.S. president but also on broader geopolitical dynamics and China’s own foreign policy decisions.

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