As a threatened nationwide UPS strike looms on the horizon, customers may need to find alternative shipping and delivery options in case the strike comes to fruition. Options for consumers include Amazon, FedEx, and the U.S. Postal Service; however, they vary in terms of available services, pricing, and overall convenience. Amazon offers free two-day shipping for its Prime members, which may be the most cost-effective option; however, they may also be subject to delay. FedEx offers a range of services and is often more reliable than the Postal Service. The USPS provides the least expensive option, but also has slower transit.
Business customers may need to consider contingency plans as well. Companies that depend on UPS may need to reroute orders to other services or even work with carriers to acquire on-demand delivery services. These services can be more expensive than existing UPS contracts but may be necessary to keep businesses operational in case of a strike.
As the threatened strike date approaches, customers should weigh the various options and consider developing backup plans to handle their shipping needs. By doing so, they will help ensure continuous operations in the event of a UPS strike.