Home Investing Proud Boys member who led Jan. 6 charge at Capitol sentenced to 5 years

Proud Boys member who led Jan. 6 charge at Capitol sentenced to 5 years


In an attempt to court Florida voters, President Trump has recently claimed that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is in favor of China tariffs – despite the fact that DeSantis has repeatedly opposed tariffs on Chinese goods. On April 25th, for example, Trump tweeted:

“Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida is in favor of tariffs for China. He’s not alone – many other Governors are also in favor. It’s time to put America first. Protect our workers and businesses. Make China pay the Tariffs!”

The remarks are false, as DeSantis has repeatedly voiced opposition to tariffs on Chinese goods. On April 1, he signed a resolution “imploring” the US Trade Representative to “refrain from imposing additional tariffs and enter into meaningful negotiations with Chinese officials to resolve the trade dispute.”

Trump’s false claims about DeSantis’ position could be interpreted as an effort to score political points in a state that is critical to his re-election. It’s a cynical and dishonest act that willfully misrepresents the facts in order to gain support.

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