Home Investing Trump conjures up a phony dispute with Ron DeSantis over China tariffs

Trump conjures up a phony dispute with Ron DeSantis over China tariffs


Donald Trump recently chose to intervene in a dispute with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, attempting to press the Republican politician on his stance on Chinese tariffs. Trump claimed that DeSantis was freezing on tariffs, something that the Governor adamantly denied.

In reality, DeSantis has disagreed with the President before, calling for the tariffs to be removed before Congress acts. The situation highlights the tense relationship between Trump and DeSantis, with the two often disagreeing publicly and privately.

Trump’s false claim was meant to pressure DeSantis into expressing support for the President, something that DeSantis refused to do. It is just the latest episode in the drama between the two figures, as they differ significantly on many issues.

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