Home Investing How to Invest in Lab-grown Meat

How to Invest in Lab-grown Meat


1. Invest in Companies: Consider investing in companies or startups that are developing and producing lab-grown meat. Companies like Memphis Meats, JUST, Supermeat, Finless Foods, Future Fields, Mosa Meat, and Wild Earth are all developing lab-grown meat and are likely to require substantial investments to reach commercialization.

2. Invest in Equity Crowdfunding: Equity crowdfunding is an increasingly popular option for investors to back new companies with early stage investments. Companies developing lab-grown meat are beginning to utilize equity crowdfunding as a way to attract investments. You can find these companies on popular equity crowdfunding platforms such as Wefunder, SeedInvest, Crowdcube, and EquityEats.

3. Invest in Related Stocks: Consider investing in public stocks that are related to lab-grown meat. Companies like Tyson Foods, Cargill, and Nestle are all involved in animal agriculture and have expressed interest in investing in lab-grown meat. Put your money into these companies to help support the development of alternative forms of protein.

4. Invest in ETFs: ETFs provide you with the opportunity to invest in a portfolio of companies related to lab-grown meat. ETFs such as the Alternative Protein ETF (ALTPR) hold stocks from companies involved in agriculture and alternative proteins.

5. Invest in Funds: Consider investing in venture capital funds and funds focused exclusively on promoting lab-grown meat. Funds such as New Crop Capital and SOSV F&B Fund are actively investing in new food technology companies, including those involved in lab-grown meats.

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